She worked hard to achieve her dre** of becoming a doctor.(她努力工作以实现成为医生的梦想。)
He will achieve success if he keeps practicing the guitar.(如果他继续练*吉他,他将会取得成功。)
I hope to achieve good grades by studying regularly.(我希望通过定期学*取得好成绩。)
With determination and effort, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.(有决心和努力,你可以实现你设定的任何目标。)
They aim to achieve harmony **ong the te** members.(他们的目标是在团队成员之间实现和谐。)
Setting s**ll goals can help you achieve bigger ones eventually.(设定小目标可以帮助你最终实现更大的目标。)
She worked tirelessly to achieve success in her business.(她不知疲倦地努力工作以取得事业上的成功。)
With patience and hard work, you can achieve your fitness goals.(有耐心和努力,你可以实现健身目标。)
He hopes to achieve his dre**s of traveling the world someday.(他希望有一天能实现环游世界的梦想。)
By studying consistently, she was able to achieve high **rks in her ex**s.(通过持续学*,她成功地在考试中取得了高分。)
Te**work is crucial to achieve success in any project.(团队合作对于在任何项目中取得成功至关重要。)
Hard work and dedication are essential to achieve greatness.(努力工作和奉献是实现伟大的关键。)
They collaborated effectively to achieve a stunning perfor**nce.(他们有效地合作,以实现出色的表现。)
To achieve your goals, you need to stay focused and motivated.(为了实现你的目标,你需要保持专注和动力。)
Through perseverance and determination, he **naged to achieve his desired outcome.(通过毅力和决心,他成功地实现了他期望的结果。)
Education is the key to achieving a brighter future.(教育是实现更加光明未来的关键。)
With practice and patience, you can achieve **stery in any skill.(通过练*和耐心,你可以掌握任何技能。)
Setting realistic goals is important to achieve success step by step.(设定现实的目标对逐步取得成功很重要。)
She **naged to achieve her weight loss goals through regular exercise and a healthy ***t.(她通过定期锻炼和健康饮食成功地实现了减肥目标。)
The te** celebrated their hard work that helped them achieve victory.(团队庆祝他们辛勤工作帮助他们取得胜利。)
Focus on your strengths to achieve success in your chosen field.(专注于你的优势,在你选择的领域取得成功。)
She **naged to achieve her personal best in the **rathon after months of training.(经过几个月的训练,她成功地在马拉松比赛中取得了个人最佳成绩。)
Setting a clear plan is essential to achieve your goals effectively.(制定清晰的计划对有效实现目标至关重要。)
Through hard work and perseverance, he was able to achieve financial stability.(通过努力工作和坚持不懈,他成功地实现了财务稳定。)
The te**'s determination to work together helped them achieve re**rkable progress.(团队齐心协力的决心帮助他们取得了显著的进步。)
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