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来自网友avoid意思解释和造句大全精选25句提问 提问时间:2023-12-04 06:59:34 阅读次数:10



Avoid 的意思是“避免,防止”,常用来表示回避或躲避某种事物或情况。以下是 25 个包含 avoid 的造句

1. He avoided answering the question directly.

2. We should avoid eating junk food to stay healthy.

3. She tried to avoid ****** eye contact with him.

4. The company is taking measures to avoid layoffs.

5. I tried to avoid meeting him at the party.

6. He always avoids confrontation and prefers to compromise.

7. The driver avoided a car accident by braking suddenly.

8. We should avoid drinking alcohol before driving.

9. She avoided wearing bright colors to avoid attracting attention.

10. The company is avoiding risky investments to protect its profits.

11. He tried to avoid the subject of politics in the conversation.

12. The doctor advised him to avoid eating spicy food.

13. She avoided answering the phone because she didn't want to talk to him.

14. We should avoid wasting food and eat what we buy.

15. He always avoids taking responsibility for his actions.

16. The politician tried to avoid answering the controversial question.

17. She avoided going out in the rain to avoid getting sick.

18. The company is avoiding unnecessary e**enses to save money.

19. He tried to avoid being late for work by waking up early.

20. We should avoid using plastic bags to protect the environment.

21. She avoided talking about her personal life in public.

22. The athlete tried to avoid injury by warming up properly.

23. He always avoids conflicts and prefers to keep the peace.

24. The company is avoiding ****** promises it can't keep.

25. She avoided traveling during the peak season to avoid crowds.





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