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来自网友消字组词大全提问 提问时间:2023-04-30 10:08:38 阅读次数:0




消息 (xiāo xi) - news, infortion

消防 (xiāo fáng) - fire control, fire fighting

消毒 (xiāo dú) - disinfection, sterilization

消耗 (xiāo hào) - consumption, exhaustion

消费 (xiāo fèi) - consumption, eenditure

消极 (xiāo jí) - negative, passive

消散 (xiāo sàn) - to disperse, to dissipate

消息量 (xiāo xi liàng) - volume of infortion

消毒液 (xiāo dú yè) - disinfectant

消音 (xiāo yīn) - to mute, to silence

消化 (xiāo huà) - digestion

消融 (xiāo róng) - to melt, to thaw

消愁解闷 (xiāo chóu jiě mèn) - to dispel worries and relieve boredom

消防车 (xiāo fáng chē) - fire engine

消防栓 (xiāo fáng shuān) - fire hydrant

消费者 (xiāo fèi zhě) - consumer

消极因素 (xiāo jí yīn sù) - negative factors

消失 (xiāo shī) - to disappear, to vanish

消磨时间 (xiāo mó shí jiān) - to kill time

消化 (xiāo huà bù liáng) - indigestion

消肿 (xiāo zhǒng) - to reduce swelling

消愁解闷 (xiāo chóu jiě mèn) - to dispel worries and relieve boredom

消闲逸致 (xiāo xián yì zhì) - to relax and enjoy leisure

消沉 (xiāo chén) - depressed, dejected

消费能力 (xiāo fèi néng lì) - purchasing power

消极情绪 (xiāo jí qíng xù) - negative emotions

消化道 (xiāo huà dào) - digestive tract

消音器 (xiāo yīn qì) - muffler

消融感 (xiāo róng gǎn) - melting feeling

消极影响 (xiāo jí yǐng xiǎng) - negative influence

消炎散 (xiāo yán sàn) - anti-infltory powder

消耗量 (xiāo hào liàng) - consumption ount

消化症 (xiāo huà bù liáng zhèng) - indigestion syndrome





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