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来自网友提问 提问时间:2023-02-24 10:20:00 阅读次数:21





  缓解压力的英语作文 篇1

  As the pace of modern life continues to quicken, ny people are in the habit of rushing through life. Some admit that stress seems to be on the increase all the time. A certain degree of stress is beneficial to us, but too much stress is certainly harmful, and sometimes y even harmful to our health and physique. So it is necessary to k* how to reduce stress.


  缓解压力的英语作文 篇2

  There are ny ways that can help us solve this problem, but the following y be the most effective. First, learn to come to terms with yourselves. Dont set a goal that is too high because there are ny things in this world that are beyond your reach. Learn to be content to go as far as you can. Second, learn to come to terms with the world around you. Dont try to change other people or other things. There are people and things in this world that you can do nothing about. So learn to accept them. Third, dont be too interested in terial things and dont try to "keep up with the Joneses." Dont harbor any jealousy, vanity or resentment to others. Be satisfied with what you have. Finally, keep in touch with your friends. Talk with them, share with them your happiness and misery. This will help to ke you feel better.


  缓解压力的英语作文 篇3

  It is true that people in modern times eerience great stress in their lives. However, as to the ways to cope with the stress, different people have different opinions. Some insist on traveling, while others argue for listening to the music or even playing computer ges. In my opinion, an effective solution to relieve pressure is to do physical exercise.

  My suggestion lies in the following reasons. First of all, exercise not only helps to release peoples emotional breakdowns but also improves their mental state. By concentrating on their body movement, men forget about their annoyances and escape from the busy day. Whats more, physical exercise moulds peoples character and promotes a more optimistic attitude towards life. Besides, physical exercise conduces to sound health, with which people can face up to the stress and difficulties in life more readily and easily.

  In a word, physical exercise plays a positive role in killing stress. I believe that my own eerience is also applicable to others. Therefore, I suggest that people should go jogging or do other forms of sport when they feel pressed.





  缓解压力的英语作文 篇4

  As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, ex pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.

  Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can't be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we y get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others' help.




  缓解压力的英语作文 篇5

  Stress is an inevitable part in our norl life. ny kinds of things, such as natural disasters, war and death can cause too much stress in our life. but according to a psychologist, on a day to day basis, stress y result from the sll things: taking an ex, waiting in line, and having too ny things to do in a limited time.

  we all need stress to add flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life, but too much stress can seriously affect our physical and mental well being, it reduces the body`s immunity and harms the brain, if the stress lasts a long time, it y cause physical illness, insomnia, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood pressure even heart disease.

  when stress does occur, it`s important to recognize and deal with it. there ore some methods we can try. a large number of physical activities can reduce onxiety. shoring our stress with others can be enormously helpful. king time for fun such os listening to music y be good medicine. sometimes even crying is on efficient way to releose stress.

  缓解压力的英语作文 篇6

  With the development of society, the competition of the entire society is more and more intense, causing increasing pressure to people. Stress of study, work and life are ubiquitous, but how can we deal with it? Here are some tips that I hope can be useful.

  Firstly, keep good health. A healthy body is the premise to face presure. It’s the least capacity to cope with stress when a person is sick. Secondly, to accept the pressure. The reason why ny people can not cope with stress is that they resist and escape it. Actually, there always is trouble and problems once we chose a path to go, because almost everything worth doing is not so easy. Thirdly, solve the problem, rather than complain about it. Many people complain about the surroundings and don’t think about the solutions when faced with problems. We all k* that complaint can do nothing but only let you down. As long as the problem not solved, the pressure is always there. Fourthly, tell others your pressure and get help from them. Lots of pressure can’t be solved by our own and the rational way is talking the pressure to worktes or friends to get help from them. But the premise to do so is that we don’t intend to put pressure to others but to seek help and support to solve problems.

  Of course, there also are some other ways to cope with stress, such as readjusting goal and eectation, playing ges to relax, even shopping or eating. But no tter how, solving the problem that causes stress is the best way.

  缓解压力的英语作文 篇7

  Hello, boys and girls!

  Pressure is a serious problem in todays world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students cant get on well with their classtes, while others y worry about their exs.

  Im always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the top student in class. So they send me to all kinds of after classes at weekends. Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem.

  Thats all. Thank you!





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