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来自网友whenever意思解释和造句大全精选25句提问 提问时间:2023-12-04 07:05:47 阅读次数:1



“whenever”是一个英语副词,意思是“在任何时候;无论何时;在任何……的时候;每当”。以下是 25 个造句

1. Whenever I see her, I feel happy.

2. You can come and see me whenever you want.

3. Whenever he has free time, he likes to read books.

4. She always remembers to say thank you whenever someone does something nice for her.

5. I try to exercise whenever I can.

6. Whenever I have a problem, I always turn to my parents for help.

7. He never hesitates to offer help whenever it's needed.

8. Whenever I travel, I like to try new foods.

9. She always arrives on time, whenever she has an appointment.

10. Whenever I'm sad, I like to listen to music.

11. You can call me whenever you need my assistance.

12. Whenever he has a chance, he likes to go hiking in the mountains.

13. She always **kes an effort to learn something new whenever she has the opportunity.

14. Whenever I see a good movie, I recommend it to my friends.

15. He always wears a smile, whenever he meets someone.

16. Whenever I have a headache, I take some aspirin.

17. You can borrow my car whenever you want.

18. Whenever he has a break, he likes to take a nap.

19. She always **kes sure to drink plenty of water, whenever she feels thirsty.

20. I try to save money whenever I can.

21. Whenever I have a cold, I drink plenty of fluids.

22. You can come and visit me whenever you want.

23. Whenever he has a free weekend, he likes to go fishing.

24. She always says hello to her neighbors, whenever she sees them.

25. I try to stay positive, whenever I face a challenge.





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