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来自网友competition意思解释和造句大全精选25句提问 提问时间:2023-11-30 07:52:20 阅读次数:0



competition 的意思是比赛、竞赛、竞争。以下是 25 个用“competition”造句的例子:


1. 这场足球比赛非常激烈,两队之间的竞争非常激烈。

2. 学生们在学校里参加各种竞赛,以提高自己的能力和水平。

3. 这个行业的竞争非常激烈,每个公司都在努力争夺市场份额。

4. 在这个项目中,我们需要与其他团队竞争,以获得最佳的结果。

5. 这场演讲比赛吸引了来自全国各地的优秀选手参加。

6. 这家公司在市场上的竞争对手非常强大,他们需要不断创新和改进才能保持领先地位。

7. 我们需要在这个项目中展现出我们的竞争优势,以吸引更多的客户。

8. 在这个行业中,创新是保持竞争力的关键。

9. 这场音乐会是一场竞争激烈的比赛,每个音乐家都在尽力表现自己的才华。

10. 这家公司在招聘过程中非常注重候选人的竞争能力和团队合作精神。

11. 这场比赛的胜者将获得一笔丰厚的奖金。

12. 这个项目的竞争非常激烈,每个团队都在尽力展现自己的实力。

13. 在这个市场上,我们需要不断提高自己的竞争力,以应对不断变化的需求。

14. 这家公司在技术研发方面投入了大量的资源,以保持在市场上的竞争力。

15. 这场比赛的评委们非常专业,他们将根据选手的表现进行评分。

16. 这个行业的竞争非常激烈,每个公司都在努力提高自己的服务质量。

17. 在这个项目中,我们需要与其他团队进行合作,以共同完成任务。

18. 这场比赛的规则非常严格,选手们需要遵守所有的规定。

19. 这家公司在市场营销方面做得非常出色,他们的**和宣传活动吸引了大量的客户。

20. 这场比赛的观众非常热情,他们为选手们加油助威。

21. 这个项目的目标是开发出一款具有竞争力的新产品,以满足市场需求。

22. 在这个行业中,创新是提高竞争力的关键。

23. 这场比赛的胜者将获得一份珍贵的奖品。

24. 这家公司在人才培养方面非常重视,他们为员工提供了各种培训和发展机会。

25. 这场比赛的结果将决定谁是这个领域的佼佼者。


Sure, here are the translations of the sentences into English:

This football **tch is very intense, with fierce competition between the two te**s.

Students participate in various competitions at school to improve their abilities and skills.

The competition in this industry is very intense, with each company striving for **rket share.

In this project, we need to compete with other te**s to achieve the best results.

This speech competition has attracted excellent participants from all over the country.

This company faces strong compe*****s in the **rket, requiring constant innovation and improvement to **intain a leading position.

We need to demonstrate our competitive advantage in this project to attract more cus***ers.

Innovation is the key to **intaining competitiveness in this industry.

This concert is a fiercely competitive event, with every musician striving to showcase their talent.

This company values candidates' competitiveness and te**work spirit greatly in the recruitment process.

The winner of this competition will receive a substantial prize.

The competition for this project is fierce, with each te** striving to demonstrate their strengths.

In this **rket, we need to continually enhance our competitiveness to meet evolving de**nds.

This company invests heavily in technological research and development to **intain **rket competitiveness.

The judges for this competition are very professional; they will score based on the performers' presentations.

The competition in this industry is intense, and every company is working hard to improve its service quality.

In this project, we need to collaborate with other te**s to accomplish the task together.

The rules for this competition are very strict, and participants need to adhere to all regulations.

This company excels in **rketing; their advertisements and promotional activities attract a large cus***er base.

The au***nce for this competition is very enthusiastic, cheering for and supporting the participants.

The goal of this project is to develop a competitive new product to meet **rket de**nds.

Innovation is crucial for enhancing competitiveness in this industry.

The winner of this competition will receive a valuable prize.

This company places great emphasis on talent development, providing various training and growth opportunities for employees.

The outcome of this competition will determine who stands out in this field.





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